Identity: We believe that every individual has a unique identity, one that is a reflection of life endeavors and personal journey.
Transparency & Integrity: We believe honesty and openness form the building blocks of human relationships that is crucial for business stability.
Leadership & Motivation: We believe in empowering individuals to be the greatest version of themselves, thus laying the foundation for future leaders.
Trust & Autonomy: We believe independent functionality is a powerful tool for boosting team confidence and efficiency in business operations.
Freedom of Expression: We believe in continually enhancing our services by having a non-judgmental and non-punitive medium for feedback and suggestions.
Justice and Fair Treatment: We believe justice starts at home wherein nobody is treated differently for the ideas, opinions and values they hold.
Creativity & Innovation: We believe unique perspectives serve as fodder for collective inspiration and advancement, both on the business front as well as the larger global level.
Emotional Wellbeing: We believe talking about mental health, addressing emotional needs and understanding spiritual beliefs is a must for a healthy work environment.
Social Responsibility: We believe that businesses have a moral obligation to serve the underrepresented, address social injustices and prioritize planetary health.
Diversity, Tolerance & Inclusion: We believe in zero tolerance for any kind of discrimination. That includes but is not restricted to age, sexual orientation, physical attributes, race, nationality, spiritual beliefs and language.
Uniformity: They believe that there are no individuals; just one uniform working taskforce with a job to get done.
Secrecy & Manipulation: They believe only a select few should be privy to information, while using the naïveté of others to maintain control.
Blind Obedience : They believe in a top-down approach where orders are issued by the top management and followed without question by all those below.
Micromanagement: They believe in doing things their way, overseeing even the smallest of tasks, and controlling every single detail.
Dictatorship: They believe they are the law and what they say goes. They have zero interest in what others have to say, and perceive feedback as a threat to their authority.
Fawning & Favoritism: They believe they are always right and reward those who agree with everything they say, thus creating an environment for groupism.
Repetition & Conformity: They believe that business should be run like a well-oiled machine, with no room for change. Because old is gold always.
Modern Slavery: They believe that one should just “suck it up” and “do what they need to do”. Everyone has problems and it needs to be left at home.
Hoarding & Apathy: They believe that profits are for the sole enjoyment of a chosen few. The world and its struggles are not the concern of businesses.
Exclusivity & Selection: They believe in cliques reserved only for those who have the required “traits” and make the cut. Qualifications matter little, if one does not possess the prerequisite natural attributes.